14所学院9474名学生参加艾滋病防治统考 |
( 2008-12-28 10:43:56) | 稿件来源:宁夏日报 |
12月26日,宁夏14所技工教育学院的9474名学生参加了艾滋病防治教育公共课程统一考试。目前,该课程已正式列入宁夏技工教育学院公共课程,每学期4课时。 今年9月,自治区劳动保障厅组织全区13家技工学校、技师学院13名教师参加了由人力资源和社会保障部、国际劳工组织联合举办的陕甘宁三省(区)劳动保障部门暨技工学校艾滋病防治培训班,并取得了由国际劳工组织授予的“技工学校艾疾病预防教育师资培训班结业证书”。 今年10月,自治区劳动保障厅下发通知,明确从今年秋季入学开始,将艾滋病防治教育课程列入宁夏技工教育院校公共课程,每学期4课时。并由自治区职业技术培训教研室采取统一命题、统一试卷、统一时间、统一考试、统一阅卷的形式在全区14所技工教育学院中开考。(记者 王海英) 来源:宁夏日报 14 college students in 9474 to participate in AIDS prevention and control test
(2008-12-28 10:43:56) articles Source: Journal of Ningxia December 26, 14 technicians Ningxia Institute of Education of 9474 students participated in AIDS prevention and education programs in public examination. At present, the course has been officially included in the Ningxia Institute of Education mechanics of public courses per semester 4 hours. This year in September, autonomous regions and the Office of Labor and Social Security organizations in the region of 13 technical schools, 13 teachers, technicians School participated in by the Human Resources and Social Security, the International Labor Organization jointly organized by the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia provinces (autonomous regions) labor and social security departments and technical schools AIDS prevention training course and obtain a grant from the International Labor Organization's "technical schools Ai disease prevention education teacher training certificate." In October of this year, autonomous regions and the Office of Labor and Social Security issued a circular, clear from the beginning of school this fall, will be included in AIDS prevention education programs craftsmen Ningxia education courses in public institutions, 4 hours per semester. Vocational and technical training by the Department of the autonomous region to adopt a unified proposition, the reunification of the papers, unity, reunification of the examination, marking the reunification of the whole region in the form of 14 technicians Institute of Education in open test. (Reporter Wang Hai-ying) Source: Journal of Ningxia |