温家宝总理看望阜阳艾滋病孤儿和患者纪实 |
( 2008-12-01 07:48:15) | 稿件来源:新华网 |
在12月1日世界艾滋病日到来之际,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝专程来到安徽省阜阳市,深入村庄,亲切看望艾滋病患者、孤儿和基层医护人员,了解艾滋病防治工作情况。 11月29日,在安徽省阜阳市颍州区杨庄村口,因艾滋病父母双亡的黄金红(右三)、黄新梅(右一)、黄新雷三姐弟一看到刚刚下车的温家宝总理,就立刻围了上去。黄金红三姐弟是温家宝总理两年来一直牵挂的艾滋病孤儿。两年前的世界艾滋病日,总理邀请部分艾滋病致孤儿童和患者到中南海参观座谈,三姐弟就在其中。新华社记者 饶爱民 摄
新华网合肥11月30日电 (记者 李斌 代群)“温爷爷好。” “孩子们好。” 29日下午4时许,在安徽省阜阳市颍州区杨庄村口,因艾滋病父母双亡的黄金红、黄新梅、黄新雷三姐弟一看到刚刚下车的国务院总理温家宝,就立刻围了上去。胸前戴着红丝带的温总理伸开双臂,笑容满面地拥着孩子们说:“我心里一直惦记着你们。” 在12月1日世界艾滋病日到来之际,温家宝专程来到安徽省阜阳市,深入村庄,亲切看望艾滋病患者、孤儿和基层医护人员,了解艾滋病防治工作情况。 “要充满希望地把日子过好” 温家宝一直非常重视艾滋病防治工作。自2003年就任总理以后,他每年都抽出时间看望艾滋病患者和孤儿。 黄金红三姐弟是温家宝总理两年来一直牵挂的艾滋病孤儿。两年前的世界艾滋病日,总理邀请部分艾滋病致孤儿童和患者到中南海参观座谈,三姐弟就在其中。目前,黄金红三姐弟和80多岁的祖母生活在一起。 温家宝边拉着孩子的手,边向村里走去。路上,总理仔细询问他们的生活学习情况。 “上几年级了?学习成绩怎么样?” “我已上中专。妹妹和弟弟都在上初中。”黄金红回答。 “生活过得怎么样?” “我们和奶奶每个月都能领到政府的补助,生活还可以。” 听了孩子们的回答,温家宝非常高兴。 “路不好走,温爷爷,您慢一些。”孩子们提醒总理。 沿着崎岖不平的小路,总理和孩子们来到他们住的院子。见到孩子们的祖母,温家宝趋步向前,握住老人的手问寒问暖。他说:“老人家,您带着三个孩子,辛苦了。他们两年前都到中南海去过,那时年龄还小。看到他们现在成长得很好,我放心了。” “多亏村里的帮助。我们日子过得还可以。”黄金红祖母紧紧握住总理的手,激动地流着泪说:“谢谢您。您看,您这么忙,还惦着我们家的孩子。” 孩子们家里的墙上,贴了不少奖状。这引起了总理的注意。温家宝一个个念着奖状上的名字,发现姐弟三人都有,他脸上露出欣慰的笑容。温家宝又弯下腰来,仔细查看米袋里是否有粮食。他叮嘱孩子们,课余时间,要帮助奶奶多干一些家务活。温家宝送给黄金红三姐弟每人一套词典和书包,鼓励孩子们认真学习,充满希望地把日子过好。 |
温家宝总理看望阜阳艾滋病孤儿和患者纪实 |
( 2008-12-01 07:48:15) | 稿件来源:新华网 |
在12月1日世界艾滋病日到来之际,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝专程来到安徽省阜阳市,深入村庄,亲切看望艾滋病患者、孤儿和基层医护人员,了解艾滋病防治工作情况。这是11月29日温家宝在阜南县王化镇大湖村看望村民。 新华社记者 饶爱民 摄 “越是困难的时候,越要把百姓放在心上” 阜南县王化镇大湖村是一个艾滋病感染者比较集中的村庄。下午5时许,暮色已经降临。温家宝来到这里看望村民和艾滋病患者。 走进村子,温家宝和闻讯赶来的村民们一一握手。看到总理和大家像亲人一样交谈,一些患病的村民激动得流出了眼泪。 在村民程现影家,总理和大家围坐在一起亲切交谈。得知7岁女孩小雪也感染了艾滋病病毒,温家宝神情十分凝重。 “来,孩子,你坐我身边。”温家宝拍拍孩子的肩膀说。 看着小雪天真的表情,随行的艾滋病防治专家、武汉大学中南医院教授桂希恩告诉总理,现代医学技术已经能够有效地治疗艾滋病。温家宝对小雪说:“孩子,这话可是教授爷爷说的,你要有信心,要坚强,将来能上中学,还能上大学。” 一位患病的中年妇女告诉总理,如果不是坚持服药,恐怕人早就没了,今天也不会站在这里。温家宝饱含深情地对乡亲们说:“留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。我们心里惦记着你们,你们一定要坚持服药。”他转身对随行的干部说:“越是困难的时候,我们越要把百姓放在心上。各级党委和政府要加大工作力度,对艾滋病患者和困难家庭给予更有力的救助。” 近年来,党和政府加强对艾滋病患者的救治和关怀,出台了“四免一关怀”政策。当得知这些政策都得到一一落实,地方政府对艾滋病病人、失去双亲的孤儿按不同标准进行了救助时,温家宝表示肯定。 房子里挤满了人。温家宝向村民仔细询问还有没有什么困难。大家你一言、我一语,回答着总理的提问。房间里暖意融融。 听说当地的粮食销售、人员外出务工、孩子上学并没有因有人患艾滋病而受到歧视,温家宝放心地点点头。他说,艾滋病患者和致孤儿童是特殊群体,要让他们得到最低生活保障。要通过宣传教育,在全社会形成关心和帮助艾滋病病人的良好社会风尚。
在12月1日世界艾滋病日到来之际,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝专程来到安徽省阜阳市,深入村庄,亲切看望艾滋病患者、孤儿和基层医护人员,了解艾滋病防治工作情况。这是11月29日温家宝在阜南县蔡寺社区艾滋病患者医疗服务站和病人握手。 新华社记者 饶爱民 摄 天已完全黑了下来。温家宝又来到阜南县蔡寺社区艾滋病患者医疗服务站,走进病房和病人握手,一一询问病情,鼓励大家一定要乐观坚强。他说,乐观的心情和坚强的毅力对病人很重要。我们的社会是一个温暖的社会,有很多人惦记着你们。听说艾滋病患者程现越在汶川特大地震发生后捐款2000元,温家宝和他久久地握手,对他助人为乐的精神表示肯定。 温家宝还惦记着两年前到中南海参观座谈的艾滋病感染者小楠楠。当天晚上近10时,在阜南县住地,他专门让工作人员把孩子接来见面。见到小楠楠,温家宝亲切地拉着孩子的手说:“两年不见,你长高了。还记得吗,上次你到中南海还哭鼻子呢。” 住在什么地方?今年几年级?学习成绩怎样?坚持服药吗?……总理接连问了十多个问题。小楠楠一一回答。她告诉总理,自己现在上初二了,在大家的帮助下,学习成绩提高了,身体比原来也要好一些。温家宝叮嘱她要树立信心,战胜疾病;要学会感激别人,同时帮助别人;要好好学习,将来为社会作贡献。总理还一笔一划给小楠楠写下一句话:“要站立起来,自己走路,不用拐杖”,鼓励她坚强面对未来。 “中国人有信心有决心有能力做好艾滋病防治工作” 29日晚,温家宝总理在阜南县主持召开座谈会。9位专家和基层艾滋病防治工作者先后发言。 座谈会上,温家宝作了重要讲话。他首先对全国艾滋病防治工作者、医务工作者和志愿者表示感谢和敬意。他指出,艾滋病防治工作极其重要,直接关系人民群众的生命、健康和生活。党和政府高度重视艾滋病防治工作,采取了一系列政策措施,通过广大干部群众和医务工作者的共同努力,艾滋病的发病率得到有效遏制。实践证明,中国人有信心、有决心、有能力做好艾滋病防治工作。 温家宝强调,当前要抓好以下几项工作:第一,认真落实“四免一关怀”的政策,真正惠及艾滋病患者及受影响的家庭。第二,加强重点地区和重点人群的防治工作,提高防治工作的有效性。第三,加大政府投入,逐年增加防治资金。第四,把艾滋病抗病毒药物列入国家基本药物目录,加强对艾滋病防治工作者的业务培训。温家宝最后说,有党和政府的坚强领导,有全社会的积极参与,艾滋病防治工作一定会取得新的更大的进展。 |
我国参加"全球患者安全倡议活动" 五项行动防控医院感染
据海南省疾病预防控制中心公布的数据,海南省艾滋病传播已从原始传染源输入和传染源积蓄两个阶段,开始进入目前的感染人数增长阶段。 海南省疾病预防控制中心分析,目前海南省的艾滋病传播已经由原先的性传播为主发展成为以静脉注射吸毒传播为主,这是农村艾滋病感染者数量上升并超过城市的重要原因,表明农村地区毒品危害教育和艾滋病防范教育亟待加强。
11月28日,一名医护人员在菲律宾马尼拉的社区诊所里为一名男子抽血作艾滋病病毒检验。当天,亚洲开发银行、联合国儿童基金会、世界卫生组织和联合国艾滋病规划署在马尼拉联合开通亚太地区首个专业艾滋病防治网站,向公众提供本地区最全面、最权威的艾滋病防治信息。据预测,如果不采取强有力的预防措施,到2010年,亚洲艾滋病患者和艾滋病病毒携带者将到达1千万。 新华社/法新
(2008-12-01 07:48:15) articles Source: Xinhua
In the December 1 World AIDS Day approaching, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Council Premier Wen Jiabao made a special trip to the city of Fuyang in Anhui Province, in-depth village, a cordial visit AIDS patients, orphans and primary health care, AIDS prevention and understanding of the work.
November 29, in Fuyang City, Anhui Province Yingzhou Qu Yangzhuang the entrance to the village, orphaned by AIDS in Red Gold (third from right), Huang Xin-mei (far right), Huang Lei three siblings just get off at the sight of Premier Wen Jiabao Immediately get Wai. Gold is a red three siblings Premier Wen Jiabao over the past two years has been about the AIDS orphans. Two years ago, the World AIDS Day, the Prime Minister to invite some of the children orphaned by AIDS patients and met a visit to the forum, in which three siblings. Xinhua News Agency reporters Rao Ai and Min She
Hefei Xinhua on November 30 (Reporter Li Bin on behalf of the group), "Grandpa Wen good."
"The children well."
29 at 4 pm, in Fuyang City, Anhui Province Yingzhou Qu Yangzhuang the entrance to the village, orphaned by AIDS in Red Gold, Huang Mei, Huang Lei three siblings just get off at the sight of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, immediately surrounded Up. Chest, wearing a Red Ribbon's Premier Wen Jiabao with open arms, smiling to the children, said Yongzhe: "I always thought about with you."
In the December 1 World AIDS Day approaching, Premier Wen Jiabao made a special trip to the city of Fuyang in Anhui Province, in-depth village, a cordial visit AIDS patients, orphans and primary health care, AIDS prevention and understanding of the work.
"To hope to have a good day to"
Wen Jiabao has attached great importance to AIDS prevention and treatment. Since becoming prime minister in 2003, he took time every year to visit AIDS patients and orphans.
Gold is a red three siblings Premier Wen Jiabao over the past two years has been about the AIDS orphans. Two years ago, the World AIDS Day, the Prime Minister to invite some of the children orphaned by AIDS patients and met a visit to the forum, in which three siblings. At present, the red gold and three siblings more than 80-year-old grandmother live together.
Wen Jiabao while holding a child's hand, the edge went to the village. On the road, the Prime Minister asked in detail about their lives learning.
"A few years on the level? Learning how?"
"I have been on the secondary. Brother and sister are in the middle." Golden red to answer.
"How life?"
"We have a month and she can get government subsidies, life can be."
After listening to the children's answer, Wen Jiabao, very happy.
"Easy way to take, Wen Grandpa, you slower." Prime Minister to remind the children.
Along the bumpy road, the Prime Minister and the children came to live in their yard. To see the children's grandmother, Wen Jiabao more step forward, hold hands Wenhanwennuan the elderly. He said: "The elderly, with your three children, it is tough. Two years ago, they have to have been met, then age is also small. To see them grow up very well now, I am relieved."
"Thanks to the help of the village. Life we can." Gold Hung Grandmother firmly hold the hands of the Prime Minister, moved to tears, said: "Thank you. You see, so you busy, but also our children Dianzhe . "
The children's home on the wall, put a lot of awards. This has aroused the attention of the Prime Minister. Wen Jiabao read a name on the certificate and found that all three siblings, glad he's smiling face. Wen Jiabao also come down, rice bag carefully to see whether there is food. He told the children, after school to help his grandmother to do some more household chores. Wen Jiabao gold to red dictionary and a set of siblings each bag to encourage children to study carefully, promising to put off a good day.
Premier Wen Jiabao called on the Fuyang AIDS patients and orphans documentary
(2008-12-01 07:48:15) articles Source: Xinhua
In the December 1 World AIDS Day approaching, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Council Premier Wen Jiabao made a special trip to the city of Fuyang in Anhui Province, in-depth village, a cordial visit AIDS patients, orphans and primary health care, AIDS prevention and understanding of the work. This is Wen Jiabao on November 29 in Funan County of the town of Wang Tai Village to visit the village. Xinhua News Agency reporters Rao Ai and Min She
"The more difficult times, the more people should be in our hearts and minds"
Wang Funan County of the town is a large lake AIDS villages are relatively concentrated. At about 5 pm, already dusk fell. Wen Jiabao arrived here to visit AIDS patients and villagers.
Entering the village, news and Wen Jiabao shook hands with the villagers. We like to see the Prime Minister and the relatives of the same conversation, some of the sick villagers were excited about the outflow of tears.
In the process the villagers are affected, and we were sitting with the Prime Minister had a cordial conversation. 7-year-old girl that light snow is also infected with HIV, Wen Jiabao look very dignified.
"The children, you have to sit next to me." Wen said, patting a child on the shoulder.
Watching innocent expression of light snow, accompanied by AIDS experts, China and South Africa Hospital of Wuhan University Professor Gui-yan told the prime minister of modern medical technology has been effective AIDS treatment. Wen said that the snow: "The children, but this professor said, Grandpa, you need to have confidence in the firm to in the future to high school, but also to go to college."
A middle-aged woman told the prevalence of the Prime Minister, if not adhere to medication, I am afraid of people not long ago, would not be here today. Wen Jiabao Shenqingdidui full of folks who said: "留得青山在, not afraid of firewood. We know you are about, you must adhere to the medication." He turned to the accompanying cadres, said: "The more difficult, we The more people should keep in mind. Party committees and governments at all levels should intensify its efforts for AIDS patients and families to give stronger relief. "
In recent years, the party and government to strengthen AIDS treatment and care, the introduction of the "Four Frees and One Care" policy. When informed that these policies are implemented, the local government for AIDS patients, orphans who have lost both parents by different standards of relief, said Wen Jiabao affirmed.
House full of people. Wen Jiabao asked in detail about the villagers did not have any problem. We made you, I would phrase, the prime minister to answer questions. Spring warmth in the room.
Heard that the food sales, staff migrant workers, children do not attend school because of someone suffering from AIDS have been discriminated against Wen Jiabao assured nodded. He said that AIDS patients and children orphaned by a special group, let them be the minimum life guarantee. Through publicity and education in the whole society to help AIDS patients and the care of a good society.
In the December 1 World AIDS Day approaching, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Council Premier Wen Jiabao made a special trip to the city of Fuyang in Anhui Province, in-depth village, a cordial visit AIDS patients, orphans and primary health care, AIDS prevention and understanding of the work. This is Wen Jiabao on November 29 in Funan County Cai Temple Community AIDS patients and medical service station to shake hands. Xinhua News Agency reporters Rao Ai and Min She
Days off have been completely black. Tsai Wen Jiabao went to Funan Temple Community AIDS medical services station, into the wards and patients shook hands one by one asked about the disease, we must encourage strong and optimistic. He said that the mood of optimism and a strong determination to patients is very important. Our society is a society of warmth, there are a lot of people about you. Heard of AIDS patients are more in Wenchuan Te-largest after the earthquake donations of 2,000 yuan, Wen Jiabao and his for a long time to shake hands with his positive spirit helpful.
Wen Jiabao also met about two years ago to visit a discussion of the AIDS Nannan small. Over the past 10 that night, in Funan County residence, he specialized staff to take their children to meet. Nan Nan to see small, Wen Jiabao held a cordial and children's hands, saying: "not seen for two years, you have a high long. You still remember the last time you go to Zhongnanhai Kubi Zi also do."
Where to live? This year's class a few years? What school? Insist on taking it? ... ... The Prime Minister asked a series of more than 10 issues. Nannan small one by one to answer. She told the Prime Minister, now on his second year, all in with the help of improved academic performance, the body also better than the original. Wen Jiabao urged her to establish the confidence to overcome the disease; to learn how to appreciate other people, at the same time to help others; to learn in the future to contribute to society. He also expressed a pen to write a small Nannan: "To stand up, walk, do not have to stick" to encourage her to face a strong future.
"China is determined to have confidence in the ability to do a good job in AIDS prevention and control work"
29 evening, Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a forum in Funan County. 9 experts and grass-roots AIDS worker has to speak.
At the meeting, Premier Wen delivered an important speech. He first national AIDS prevention and treatment of workers, medical workers and volunteers expressed his gratitude and respect. He pointed out that AIDS is extremely important and directly related to people's life, health and life. The party and government attaches great importance to AIDS prevention and control and adopted a series of policies and measures adopted by the cadres and the masses and the joint efforts of medical workers, the incidence of AIDS have been effectively curbed. Practice has proved that Chinese people have the confidence, determination and ability to do a good job in AIDS prevention and treatment.
Wen stressed that to do a good job the following aspects: First, earnestly implement the "Four Frees and One Care" policy, the real benefit in patients with AIDS and affected families. Second, to strengthen and focus groups in key areas of prevention and treatment to improve the effectiveness of prevention and treatment. Third, increase the input in the prevention and treatment funding has increased year by year. Fourth, the AIDS antiviral drugs included in the national essential drugs list to strengthen AIDS prevention and treatment of workers in professional training. Wen Jiabao said, there is a strong party and government leadership, with the active participation of society as a whole, AIDS will be a new and greater progress.
[Video] Wen Jiabao called on the Fuyang AIDS patients and orphans
[Background] World AIDS Day
China to take various measures to fulfill promises to curb HIV (Photos)
http://news.QQ.com 2008 on 11 years on 30 Xinhua 11:11
Photo information: November 30, 2007, in the 20th World AIDS Day approaching, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese President and Central Military Commission Chairman Hu Jintao came to the Chaoyang District, Beijing AIDS prevention and treatment study. This is Hu Jintao in the Chaoyang District Community Garden Silk consultation with the publicity activities to participate in AIDS prevention and control experts had a cordial conversation. Xinhua News Agency reporters Ma Zhan and Cheng She
Photo information: November 30, 2007, in the 20th World AIDS Day approaching, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese President and Central Military Commission Chairman Hu Jintao came to the Chaoyang District, Beijing AIDS prevention and treatment study. In the Chaoyang District Disease Prevention and Control Center, Hu Jintao, a smile to the AIDS-infected people to reach out, the infected excited to hold the general secretary of the hand. Xinhua News Agency reporters Fan Ru and Jun She
Image Data: December 1, 2006, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Council Premier Wen Jiabao invited some of the children orphaned by AIDS patients and Zhongnanhai to visit and discussions. This is Premier Wen Jiabao and children together. Xinhua News Agency reporters Yao Tai and Wei She
Image Data: December 1, 2006, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Council Premier Wen Jiabao invited some of the children orphaned by AIDS patients and Zhongnanhai to visit and discussions. This is Premier Wen Jiabao and children together. Xinhua News Agency reporters Yao Tai and Wei She
December 1 this year is the first of 21 World AIDS Day, the theme of this year, the same as last year at the "leadership", intended to highlight the leaders in AIDS prevention and treatment of the role. Slogan "Stop AIDS, to fulfill commitments."
As of Sept. 30 report on China's cumulative 260,000 cases of AIDS cases
Xinhua News: China's Ministry of Health officials say 30, as of September 30, 2008, China has reported 260,000 cases of AIDS cases, of which 77,000 cases of AIDS patients; report of the death of more than 3 cases.
【Care of the central leadership】
General Secretary Hu Jintao inspected Beijing AIDS documentary
In the 20th World AIDS Day approaching, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese President and Central Military Commission Chairman Hu Jintao on the 30th morning, Chaoyang District, Beijing came to visit AIDS prevention and treatment. On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, to fight AIDS in the front line of medical and health workers to actively participate in AIDS prevention and treatment of the volunteers, to extend my sincere greetings and assurances of my highest consideration.
General Secretary Hu Jintao has a high degree of concern and importance of AIDS prevention and treatment, in 2004 went to Beijing You An Hospital, to visit AIDS patients and medical staff to find out AIDS prevention work. General Secretary cordially shook hands with AIDS patients and the moving scene, many people remained fresh in his memory.
Three years, China's AIDS prevention and how to implement policies and measures, AIDS patients and can aid in time where Hu Jintao is very much about. This morning, Hu Jintao of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, member of the Beijing Party Secretary Liu Qi and Acting Mayor of Beijing Guo Jinlong, and so on, accompanied by specially came to the Chaoyang District Disease Prevention and Control Center and the Community Garden Silk Liu Lizhun study AIDS prevention and treatment.
Wen Jiabao invited some of the children orphaned by AIDS patients and met a visit to the forum
December 1 was World AIDS Day. 9:50 Xu, Zhongnanhai.
The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Council Premier Wen Jiabao and member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Vice Premier Wu Yi to wear the Red Ribbon, Ziguangge came early, ready to meet a group of special guests - from Henan, Yunnan, Liaoning, Anhui, Shanxi and other places of the 15 children orphaned by AIDS and children.
Premier Wen Jiabao in accordance with the arrangements, for more than an hour before the guests of these small car came to Zhongnanhai, Premier Zhou Enlai visited the office and had been living in the West Hua Ting, as well as state leaders met with the foreign guests Ziguangge. During the visit, a small staff to the guests carefully on every place. Children's curiosity to see all around, talk to each other, from time to time of joyful laughter.
The whole point to clock 10:00, the time to meet up. Just to hear children's laughter, Premier Wen Jiabao on the trot toward the entrance, the Ying to the children. These children, many of Wen Jiabao visits to the countryside in the past when they met.
Key government initiatives and policies】
China's participation in the "global patient safety initiatives," the five actions to prevent and control nosocomial infection
"Hospital infection has become patient safety, medical quality and increase health care costs a major cause of high-tech health care is one of the main obstacles to carry out." Huang pointed out that the infected patient's hospital treatment, care becomes more complex, resulting in some patients Worse, some of the patients had to extend the length of stay in hospital, some patients with long-term disability or even death. As a result, "World Alliance for Patient Safety" to the prevention and control of hospital infection as a "global patient safety initiatives," the first theme of the activity.
The Chinese government has adopted various measures to help children affected by AIDS
State Council AIDS Working Committee Office of the full-time on the 7th Hao, deputy director of the AIDS-affected children in resettlement aid policies at an international seminar said that the Chinese government is taking various measures to help HIV, including orphans and other children affected by AIDS.
Chinese Minister of Civil Affairs Li Xueju told reporters in China more than 90% of AIDS orphans receive family support and school support, some of the older children get vocational training. In order to solve the AIDS orphaned children's lives, education and health issues into the Ministry of Civil Affairs 50,000,000 yuan of special funds, focusing on financing of Henan, Yunnan, and other AIDS-affected children more provinces.
Today in Henan Province, more than 2,800 children orphaned by AIDS, 85% opted for by the relatives of the child, 11 percent chose to stay devoted to the upbringing of children orphaned by AIDS "Sunshine Home", and 4% of the families living in a simulated "sunshine Family ". Per person per month they can receive 200 yuan subsidy money, the doctor does not need to spend a penny.
We are with you - China's AIDS prevention education in schools
"Life on the road, we are with you ... ..." This is a special education school in the city of Huangshan in Anhui Province to prevent AIDS, teaching the class, students sign language and deaf-mute struggling voice, by the people against AIDS, said.
In schools all over China, the fight against AIDS is in the form of innovation into the classroom. Huangshan City of Anhui Province in special education classes in schools teaching the Chinese Ministry of Education is conducting a national AIDS prevention education in schools teaching classes collect outstanding selection of award-winning courses.
】 【Around the prevention and control measures
1. Continue to promote the implementation of the State Council, "AIDS prevention and control regulations";
2. To thoroughly implement the "Four Frees and One Care" policy, Beijing continues to implement the anti-viral treatment free of charge, carried out free of charge to block mother-to-child AIDS and at the same time to carry out anti-AIDS opportunistic infection treatment free of charge;
3. AIDS intervention in the full implementation of the "three projects" to promote the use of condoms measures to strengthen the management of methadone clinics, expand the exchange of Qingjiezhenju site;
4. To strengthen AIDS prevention and advocacy, prevention and treatment of the broad masses of the people's awareness of knowledge;
5. In order to improve the focus on districts and counties to monitor the sentinel-based system to monitor the epidemic;
6. Occupational exposure to strengthen AIDS prevention and training;
7. To play the role of civil society, to carry out AIDS-infected people and AIDS patients management;
8. To strengthen the districts and counties, the co-ordination between various departments to communicate, and successfully carry out AIDS prevention and treatment.
AIDS prevention and treatment throughout the educational activities and research
Nanjing: Red Ribbon fly in the railway station square
Just under a train after reading the information in the public Liu told reporters after the panel that AIDS is only a vague concept, only know that the epidemic is terrible. But read the introduction, its route of transmission, prevention and treatment have more understanding, he must go home to see the contents introduced to the family.
Changsha: 40,000 copies of publicity Fang Yi warning signs into the hotel room
Changsha City in a five-star hotel, reporters saw a reminder of "the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, condom use," the warning signs and promotion of condoms has been placed on the bedside cabinet room, the guests at your fingertips. In addition, the hotel guide services, disease control departments also have to provide free AIDS knowledge publicity leaflet to introduce the route of transmission of AIDS, condom use and so on.
Yunnan: the establishment of the provincial AIDS prevention and control of professional bodies
Yunnan AIDS care center officially launched in 2005 with a total investment of 150,000,000 yuan. Its main function is to bear the Yunnan HIV-infected people, AIDS patients and high-risk groups to provide treatment, care and comprehensive consulting services, carried out in Yunnan Province to guide the management of care; for infected people, AIDS patients and high-risk groups, such as providing health education intervention services; Fang Yi of Yunnan in charge of staff training, prevention of AIDS, human resources development and information networking; carried out in the field of AIDS research and foreign exchange. At the same time, the center will also bear the Kunming area of infectious diseases such as high public health emergencies treatment emergency tasks, medical treatment, Yunnan Province is an important component of the system.
Shandong: in 2010 HIV-infected people in the control of people within
Shandong Province, said the province will ensure that the AIDS epidemic continues to maintain a low prevalence state by the year 2010, various types of high-risk groups the incidence of AIDS control in less than 5%, the number of HIV-infected people in the control of 10,000 people or less. At the same time, plans by 2010, the province's population of 15-year-old -49 years old, Fang Yi and urban residents on knowledge of non-remunerated blood donation awareness to over 90%. In addition, more than 80% of rural residents, more than 80% of the floating population should also familiarize themselves with the knowledge of AIDS prevention and treatment.
Hunan: Chinese medicine treatment of AIDS to carry out pilot projects progressing smoothly
Since 2005 until now, has been in Changde City, Hunan Province, Zhangjiajie City, the city of Yueyang, Hengyang City, Huaihua City, Zhuzhou and Changsha City 7 cities Chinese medicine treatment of AIDS pilot for nearly 600 cases were provided free of Chinese medicine Treatment. Hunan Provincial Government to Fight AIDS Working Committee Office on the 1st release of the report, "in the treatment of a patient, the patient's clinical symptoms were controlled, the quality of life has improved."
Hainan: 60 AIDS-infected people in rural areas
According to the Hainan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention released data, the spread of AIDS in Hainan Province from the original source of infection and import source of infection savings in two phases, began the current phase of growth the number of infections. Hainan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, is currently in Hainan Province has been the spread of AIDS from developing into sexually transmitted mainly by intravenous drug use the main spread, which is the number of rural AIDS rose over the city and an important reason that in rural areas Against drug education and AIDS prevention education should be strengthened.
【Small dictionaries: HIV awareness】
There are three ways to the spread of AIDS
AIDS is the full name of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection caused by infectious diseases. That the virus is mainly against the body's immune system, when the immune system to destroy the virus have been, due to the loss of human immunity to other infections and diseases, will be the last leading to death.
AIDS mainly through sexual contact, blood and blood products, mother-to-child transmission of the three.
Shaking hands, hugging, kissing a courtesy, sharing utensils, sharing office supplies, telephone, bathroom, swimming pools and other public facilities, cough, sneeze and mosquito bites and so on will be spread AIDS.
Six-pronged HIV prevention
I should be Jieshenziai, to comply with sexual morality, this is the way to prevent sexual transmission of AIDS to the fundamental measures.
Second, the proper use of condoms not only contraception but also to reduce the AIDS infection, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
Third, early treatment and cure sexually transmitted diseases can reduce the risk of AIDS infection.
Fourth, shared drug syringes is an important way to spread AIDS and therefore refused to drugs, cherish life.
Fifth, to avoid unnecessary blood transfusion and injection, the use of HIV antibody testing of blood and blood products.
Six HIV-infected pregnant women should be in a timely manner to carry out regular medical treatment to block mother-to-child prevention of fetal / infant infected with AIDS.
There are four cases should be detected in a timely manner
If you have family and friends of the following acts, the guidance of his (her) in a timely manner to the local Center for Disease Control and Prevention AIDS antibody testing, in order to understand the severity of their infection:
1. There have been no protection for extramarital sex.
2. Sharing of drug syringes.
3. The use of unidentified sources or without HIV antibody testing of blood or blood products.
4. AIDS-infected babies born.
Key background information: World AIDS Day】
November 28, a medical staff in Manila, the Philippines, the community clinic for a man to make HIV blood test. On the same day, the Asian Development Bank, United Nations Children's Fund, the World Health Organization and UNAIDS jointly launched in Manila in the Asia-Pacific region's first professional AIDS prevention and control sites, available to the public in this region the most comprehensive and authoritative information on AIDS prevention and treatment. It is projected that if we do not take strong preventive measures, by 2010, Asia AIDS patients and HIV carriers will reach 1 million. Xinhua News Agency / AFP
AIDS medicine is called "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome," by the human immunodeficiency virus. Transmission of the virus for life and can damage the body's immune system so that people lose the ability to resist various diseases. HIV, including the main route of transmission of blood, sexual contact and maternal genetic and so on. At present, AIDS remains incurable. Cocktail, that is, anti-retroviral therapy, the treatment of AIDS is one of the effective ways.
Wen Jiabao: increasing funding to combat AIDS
At 3:20 p.m. on November 30, 2008 HONG
December 1 was World AIDS Day. Here on the eve of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State Council Premier Wen Jiabao made a special trip to the city of Fuyang in Anhui Province, in-depth focus on the AIDS villages, a cordial visit AIDS patients and primary care, prevention and treatment of AIDS to understand the situation and listen to AIDS prevention and treatment of workers Comments and suggestions.
Over the past five years, Wen Jiabao made a special trip every year to visit AIDS patients and orphaned children. Two years ago, Fuyang, Anhui golden red, yellow and Xin-Mei Huang Lei three siblings should be on the invitation of Premier Wen Jiabao met a stranger. Their parents because of AIDS and the death of 85-year-old grandmother to take care of them. This time, Wen Jiabao also made a special trip to visit.
Four children aunt grandparent and grandchild is a guest house, the Prime Minister asked in detail about their lives to study the situation and they have been living allowance, the leader in the secondary, second, third at the junior high school, Wen Jiabao very happy. He gave each person a set of three siblings dictionary bags and encourage them to conscientiously study and hope to live.
Premier Wen Jiabao to the children in one way or another car along a country lane not far come to their own home, the house had plastered walls of a certificate is the only family wealth. When he learned that the children's aunt, unfortunately also infected with AIDS, Wen Jiabao came to their house, carefully told.
Wen Jiabao: You insist on taking medicine? The drug has just begun to eat some may be uncomfortable.
The children's aunt: used to be just fine.
Wen Jiabao: Another point of attention of their own - the cold weather, not the cold.
As night fell, Wen Jiabao and his entourage arrived by car in the town of Funan Wang Tai Village, and patients are sitting together. A seven-year-old girl also infected with AIDS, Wen Jiabao gently patted her, encourage her:
"Medicine can tell you to the elementary school, high school, but also to go to college! You should have the confidence."
Wen has also been about two years ago, also met to be a guest of Small Nannan AIDS. In Funan County residence, he specialized staff to take their children to meet.
Wen Jiabao: remember that in Zhongnanhai it?
Nan Nan: I remember.
Wen Jiabao: I still cry nose. (Laughter) want to leave after you, so you have invited.
Nan Nan: I would very much like you. Did not expect to see you today.
Wen Jiabao: most of the more.
Two years ago, Nan Nan small to Zhongnanhai, the cry has been, to see Premier Wen Jiabao, always a smile on the face.
Two years ago, Wen Jiabao her inscription - "strong, hard, hard up." Nannan now on the first two days, their independent living. Wen Jiabao at this time gave her the inscription on the dictionary, encouraged her to "stand up, walk, do not stick."
In the evening, Wen Jiabao chaired a forum in Funan County. At the forum, 9 experts and grass-roots AIDS worker, made a statement. In his speech, Wen Jiabao first national AIDS prevention and control workers, medical workers and volunteers expressed his gratitude and respect. He said that the party and government attaches great importance to AIDS prevention and control and adopted a series of policies and measures adopted by the cadres and the masses and the joint efforts of medical workers, the incidence of AIDS have been effectively curbed. Practice has proved that Chinese people have the confidence, determination and ability to do a good job in AIDS prevention and treatment.
Wen stressed that Party committees and governments at all levels should attach great importance to AIDS prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, the prevention and treatment work in an important position, measures to-earth manner. It is necessary to seriously implement the "Four Frees and One Care" policy, the real benefit in patients with AIDS, as well as the affected families. To strengthen key areas and focus on the prevention and treatment of people, to improve the effectiveness of prevention and treatment.
Wen Jiabao also said the Government should continue to increase input in AIDS prevention and treatment has increased year by year funding. Especially in the present, we have run into financial crisis on China's economic impact, the more difficult times, the more attention should be paid to people's health protection. Research should continue to focus on AIDS prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, AIDS antiviral drugs to be included in the national essential drugs list.
Wen Jiabao said, there is a strong party and government leadership, with the active participation of society as a whole, AIDS will be a new and greater progress.
Related reports:
The Ministry of Health: About 440,000 Chinese people do not know they are infected with AIDS
China has a total of AIDS deaths in the report of more than 3 cases
Beijing AIDS cases reached 5635 cases of sexually transmitted for the first time into a way to the first
The Ministry of Health officials said the Chinese mainland every day 140 people were infected with HIV