
中国网 china.com.cn  时间: 2008-11-28  






http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年11月28日17:40   新浪健康




2008年11月28日 22:32:50  来源:新华网
    新华网北京11月28日电(记者 吴晶)“生命在旅途中,我们与你同在……”这是安徽省黄山市特殊教育学校的预防艾滋病教学课上,聋哑学生用手语和吃力的发声,对受艾滋病侵害的人们说的话。












2008-11-25 19:08:26  来源:国际在线专稿  编辑:殷亮   





第21个世界艾滋病日 武汉大学志愿者在校内启动防艾宣传
发布时间:2008-11-28 来源: 荆楚网

  荆楚网消息 (楚天都市报) 12月1日是第21个世界艾滋病日。昨日中午,武汉大学志愿者在校内启动了“远离艾滋,珍爱生命”防艾宣传。外语学院志愿者马云青同学介绍,多数同学表现得自然大方,主动来领取宣传册和光盘,但也有个别同学不好意思地走开。他们希望通过此次活动,帮助更多同学正确认识艾滋病,促使他们加入防艾宣传中。
  见习记者陈文君 通讯员程蕾 董玥摄

The latest discovery: the possibility of mankind in the next 10 years to eradicate HIV
China Network china.com.cn Time: 2008-11-28
Medical journal "The Lancet" website on November 25 published a study saying that if the high incidence of AIDS for all countries to be treated and regularly inspected, in theory, in 10 years to the eradication of HIV.

According to U.S. media reports, one of the researchers, the World Health Organization AIDS expert Jierkesi Charles said: "This is very surprising findings, we can in a relatively short period of time to stifle the disease."

Jierkesi and his colleagues in South Africa and Malawi to use the data concluded that, if the people there every year for voluntary HIV screening, if the positive test results on the medication immediately, accompanied by security sex education at the same time, the removal of the foreskin And other measures, HIV infection within 10 years dropped 95%. As a result, between 2008 to 2050 as a result of AIDS deaths will decrease from 8,700,000 to 3,900,000, more than half of the reduction.

Experts estimate that such an approach each year up to 3,400,000,000 U.S. dollars, after the initial investment will be reduced year by year. However, the U.S. University of North Carolina expert said Cohen, which will certainly be more than many countries in the capacity of medical facilities, but not without considering this approach.

However, in Washington, DC, "Kaiser Family Foundation," said Katz, director of AIDS policy: "This gives people not to eat anti-fever medicine, once people start taking AIDS drugs, it is necessary to take a long time." To all HIV-positive people Issuance of drug resistance will also increase. In addition, the doctors do not know for 10 years serving the safety of AIDS drugs.

At present, only about 3,000,000 AIDS patients in the drug, nearly 700 million people waiting for treatment. Last year alone, 3,000,000 new people infected with AIDS. The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide there are about 33,000,000 people carrying the AIDS virus. (Wang)

AIDS: What is AIDS
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008 on 11 years on 28 healthy Sina 17:40
AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome referred to as, in 1981 there was a new awareness of sexually transmitted diseases. By the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) caused by defective immune function in human cells, leading to a series of conditions for pathogenic micro-organisms and infected with the deadly cancer syndrome.

From this disease in the United States in 1978 in New York found that the first 1, 1979, 7 cases in 1980, 12, 1981, 204 cases, in 1982 750 cases, in 1983 to 1739 cases has occurred, in a straight line up year after year, the World Health Announced that by the end of July 1992 statistics have reached 164 countries, more than 50 million people suffering from AIDS, patients with the advancing age, increasing the number of cumulative, June 30, 1995, the World Health Organization announced that the world registered AIDS cases have been close to 1,170,000. The World Health Organization believes that the actual number is much higher than this figure, it is estimated that the total number of cases of AIDS around the world may have more than 5,000,000, is currently the world's total number of HIV-infected people has more than 20,000,000 people, the daily increase of about 600. The number of patients died nearly 100 million people, it is known as an incurable disease of the century. At present, in order for the Americas, followed by Asia, Europe, finished third. But the number of people infected with HIV in Asia is the rapid rise in this century, not the next century, the early period of the spread of AIDS in Asia. In Thailand, India, from the proliferation of high-risk groups into the general population, 20% of adults have been infected. Prenatal HIV-positive women was as high as 8% in another 5 years, the majority of new infections in Asia will come from.

In mainland China, for the first time since 1986, an American found the incidence of Xi'an in Argentine via multi-examination diagnosed with AIDS. From the world's first case of AIDS reported between 4 years. In the same year in Zhejiang Province from hemophilia patients and HIV-infected people found in 4 cases, for the first time for China's HIV virus were found. Since then, foreigners in China have found HIV virus are about as many as 17. From 1989 until the Yunnan HIV virus were found in 146 cases, in Beijing and Hebei Province found that 3 cases were HIV virus.

90 to enter China's HIV disease is even more irresistible to the rapid development of the country according to figures released by the Ministry of Health, the HIV virus in 1990 for 492 people, AIDS was only 5, then increased each year to HIV-infected people in 1995 For 3341 people, AIDS was 117, experts estimate China's actual number of people infected with HIV should be 50,000 -10 million. This is only his 5-year growth rate is very alarming.

Many people still think AIDS in the United States, Europe and Africa, often in practice as China's opening to the outside world and economic development. AIDS has spread all over China opened. China has reported injecting through the first import Ⅷ HIV-infected cases, all major cities have reported AIDS cases, these people need to rise to a high degree of importance.
We are with you - China's AIDS prevention education in schools
November 28, 2008 22:32:50 Source: Xinhua
     Xinhua Beijing on November 28 (Reporter Wu Jing) "life on the road, we are with you ... ..." This is a special education school in the city of Huangshan in Anhui Province to prevent AIDS, teaching the class, students in deaf-mute sign language and hard The voice of the people against AIDS, said.

     In schools all over China, the fight against AIDS is in the form of innovation into the classroom. Huangshan City of Anhui Province in special education classes in schools teaching the Chinese Ministry of Education is conducting a national AIDS prevention education in schools teaching classes collect outstanding selection of award-winning courses.

     28 pm, the Ministry of Education in the High School Affiliated to Beijing University held a "2008 World AIDS Day campaign and the national AIDS prevention education in schools, on-site exhibition of excellent teaching," from some of the provinces on behalf of the teachers and students, watched the scene by Award course.

     It is understood that since the launching in April of this year, a total of 25 provinces and autonomous regions submitted to the class teaching CD-ROM 173, a total of 11 top prizes, 25 second prizes, 45 third prizes, awarded 15 organizations 000.

     "All involved in this operation, the winners are." UNICEF Deputy Representative in China Mailuo Ke said.

     He pointed out that AIDS has seriously infringed the young people's health around the world every minute 4 young people infected with HIV. In China, even though the Government and other forces have done a lot of work, but AIDS prevention and control of the situation should not be too optimistic, AIDS is increasingly younger.

     According to the Chinese government's report to the United Nations: As of the end of 2007, in the 15-24 year-old Chinese people can identify and correct knowledge of how to prevent AIDS transmission, only 41%. With the young age of sexual behavior occurred in the initial decline, these young people from sexual transmission of AIDS infection ratio is still rising.

     "There are no effective vaccines and treatment, health education is the only effective vaccine." Vice Minister of Education Chen Xiaoya said: "The young person can cope with the prevention of AIDS, far away from the danger of AIDS infection, is the school of education An important task. "

     Beijing Jingshan School, said Liu Ying award-winning teachers, school education are many, the most important of which is to help young people establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook and concept in order to correctly deal with AIDS, how to protect themselves and establish a healthy life Way of establishing themselves, to others, socially responsible citizens of modern consciousness.

     It is understood that the Chinese education system by training teachers, principals, the issuance of teaching materials, wall charts, and other forms of printed publicity, the school has made AIDS prevention education to carry out rate of more than 87% of the students basic knowledge about AIDS to 88.1 percent.

     Health Ministry disease control bureau deputy director of the group, said Hu olgensis, young people are the main force in the prevention of AIDS, hope that they will earnestly study and knowledge of AIDS prevention together to build a solid wall.

     As of the end of 2007, China's existing HIV and AIDS, about 700,000 people.

     December 1 this year is the first of 21 World AIDS Day theme "Stop AIDS, to fulfill commitments." Looking at a rate of AIDS posters, the High School Affiliated to Beijing University students have said that the fight against AIDS, it is necessary to achieve self-esteem, respect for life.
China and the International Labor Organization to join hands for migrant workers launched by the AIDS Prevention Action
2008-11-25 19:08:26 Source: International Zhuangao Online Editor: Yan Liang


International online news (reporter Joe Quanxing): 25, China's State Council AIDS Working Committee and the International Labor Organization in Beijing, jointly launched a migrant workers for the prevention of AIDS Action.

It is reported that China and the International Labor Organization will be about 200,000,000 Chinese migrant workers were carrying out publicity and education activities, called on them to adopt safer sexual behavior in order to avoid infection through the sexual route of transmission of HIV. At the same time, China will also carry out campaigns to reduce discrimination against AIDS patients.

China issued by the Ministry of Health statistics show that China currently has about 700,000 HIV-infected people, more than half way through the sexually transmitted infection.

21st World AIDS Day Wuhan University of volunteers in schools to start publicity Fang Yi
Release time: For-11-28 Source: The Jingchu Network

Jing-Chu network news (AFP) on December 1 is the first of 21 World AIDS Day. At noon yesterday, Wuhan University of volunteers in schools to start a "stay away from HIV, cherish life," Fang Yi publicity. Foreign Language School students Ma Yunqing volunteers, most of the students were generous nature, to take the initiative to receive a brochure and CD-ROMs, but some students walked away embarrassed. They hope that through this event, to help more students a correct understanding of AIDS, encourage them to join the Fang Yi publicity.
Trainee reporter and correspondent CHEN Wen-jun Lei Cheng Dong Yue photo

