I have told you before that you should not depend upon the Averages to forecast the trend of individual stocks. These Averages give you the general trend, and while many stocks will follow this average trend, you should figure out each stock individually and let its position on geometrical angles and time periods determine the different months in the year when the stock is likely to make tops and bottoms.
Take any individual stock and make up a chart like the Master Forecasting Chart, carrying it across 10 years or 20 years, and see how its tops and bottoms come out. I have made up a chart of the 10-year cycles on U. S. Steel and also a chart of the 20-year cycles, and am always glad to furnish these charts to students of my Course on Forecasting so that they may study the individual stocks and be convinced that the theory will work on an individual stock even better than it will work on the Averages.
No man can study the Master 20-year Forecasting Chart and the cycles without being convinced that time cycles do repeat at regular intervals and that it is possible to forecast future market movements. By studying Resistance Levels, Geometrical Angles, and Volume of Sales in connection with the Cycles, you can determine when the trend is changing at the end of campaigns.