2007年6月12日邵逸夫官方网站宣布2007年邵逸夫数学奖授给普林斯顿高级研究院Robert Langlands和哈佛大学Richard Taylor.Taylor是怀尔斯的学生。1993年怀尔斯论文有漏洞是Taylor填补这个漏洞。怀尔斯论文和他与Taylor合写论文同时发表在1995年《数学年刊》上。Taylor最大贡献是他和怀尔斯共同证明费马大定理。为了怕引起中国人的抗议,宣布时并没有介绍Taylor证明费马大定理工作。这是杨振宁和丘成桐推荐的。普林斯顿高级研究院前院长菲利普。 格里菲斯说,丘成桐是华人数学家的领袖。美国又要派丘成桐来中国宣传怀尔斯和Taylor费马大定理证明,不承认中国人费马大定理证明。这样中科院、北大、清华和普林斯顿又更紧密联合起来。动员全世界数学界封杀蒋春暄工作。“蒋春暄证明世纪数学难题费马大定理遭封杀”的冤案平反,简直是不可能了,他们力量太强大了。中国院士在起关键作用。中科院院长也站在他们一边。对中国这么大成果不关心,那有什么办法呢?中国和美国费马大定理首论权之争,邵逸夫!把你2005年数学奖送给费马大定理第二次证明者怀尔斯,又把你2007年数学奖送给费马大定理第二次证明者Taylor.邵逸夫!你是流芳百世?还是遗臭万年?中国历史将会决定。
费马大定理证明可与人类登上月球相提并论的数学成果(参考消息1995年1月9日)。费马大定理证明可以和物理学中的原子分裂,生命科学中脱氧核糖核酸的发现相提并论(路透社)。费马大定理证明代表一个国家一个民族最高利益,这不是一个学术问题,需要国家支持,向全世界宣布这一划时代成果,才能得到全世界公认,也是全世界数学界和每一个国家争夺的成果。中国蒋春暄于1991年10月25日证明了费马大定理。1992年2月中科院数学所发布新闻,中国人不能证明哥德巴赫猜想包括费马大定理。不允许发表费马大定理论文,只好在《潜科学》上发表。同时寄王元、杨乐、乐茂华……1992年1月15日寄美国普林斯顿大学数学系等600份预印本。国内收到乐茂华来信,国外收到费马大定理专家Paulo Ribenboim来信。1993年6月23日怀尔斯在英国宣布他证明了费马大定理。立刻震动了全世界。但数月后,此证明发现有漏洞。由怀尔斯学生Taylor填补这个漏洞。1994年9月才算完成证明。《科技日报》记者汤东宁了解蒋春暄情况,他想报道蒋春暄费马大定理证明。他走访中科院数学所不允许报道。这又失去一个好机会。蒋春暄把论文寄给桑蒂利教授,他修改重新打印于1994年12月发表在他主编《代数群和几何》上。怀尔斯论文和他与Taylor论文同时于1995年发表由他主编《数学年刊》上。蒋春暄论文在美国发表也比怀尔斯和Taylor早一年,但由于中国政府没有表态,所以在国际上只承认怀尔斯和Taylor证明,不承认蒋春暄证明。桑蒂利教授鼓励蒋春暄写这方面论文。下面是桑蒂利1994年3月18日给蒋春暄来信。
Dear Dr. Jiang, Chun-xuan,
I was happy to receive news from you. You will be pleased to know that I have accepted your article for publication in Algebras Groups and Geometries. The sole change has been the removal of the last line of the test and of references [3.4.5]. This is due to the fact that these references are not published and would damage your papter. Instead of this mention in the current paper, I encourage you to write a condensed article on Fermat theorem for AGG.
You may be interested to know that I have invited Prof. Quing-ming Cheng of the Institute of Mathematics of Fudan University, Shangai, to become an Editor for AGG.
I am working at Vol. III of Elements of Hadronic Mechanics (see enclosed flier) in which I shall review your results published in the Hadronic Journal regarding the total number of electrons predicted by the number theory in the hadronic structure. I shall send you a complimentary copy of the volume with the review of your work when printed.
Wishing you the best, I remain
Yours, Truly
Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli
Dear Prof. Chun-Xuan Jiang,
Our Editorial Office has communicated earlier the approval of your paper on the Fermat Theorem for publication in Algebras, Groups and Geometries AS PROMISED in Vol. 15 of 1998, and has communicated today the approval of your papers I and II on the isonumber theory for publication also in AGG and also in 1998.
Pleasae have Prof. Kexi Liu do AS SOON AS POSSIBLE the minor editorial modifications-corrections suggested by our reviewers and send us ONE FINAL ORIGINAL PRINTED IN ONE SIDE WITH EQUAL AND RIGHT MARGINS.
We have also suggested that you combine the two papers into one long paper as soon as possible and publish it in the Proceedings of the Beijing Workshop.
Finally, I invite you to publish all your results in a monograph to be published by Hadronic Press in the series “Advanced Monographs in Mathematics”。
Our Institute shall pay ALL costs, inclduing air mail. In addition, I obtained for you $ 100 by the Publisher for your monograph which he will pay on arrical of the final manuscript here (I can obtain advances for you if you so request, say, I can ask $ 50 advance for you – please let me know)。
I have also included your name in a proposal for research support I have recently submitted. I shall do my best to secure research funds for you, although please understand that I cannot assure that.
One application of the isonumber theory which is useful for your monograph and can provide financial research support, is the application of the isonumber theory to the “isocryptograms” as discussed in App. 2. C of my book ELEMENTS OF HADRONIC MECHANICS, Vol. I, which I left in Beijing with Prof. Ren.
Please inspect that appendix and let me know your opinion. If we can indeed construct a new generation of cryptograms, I belive we can sell them here in the USA and obtain a lot of $$$.
In the latter case I can send to you several books on recent studies of crytography which you can then extend to isocryptograms. You are the leaders in isonmbers and the best to do that.
I would like to apologize most sincerely for the hortrendous delay in completing the review of your paper. However, you should know that I had completed my review and approved them in early 1998. The additional months of delay are due to the fact that the papers had also to be reviewed by other mathematicians, according to the policy of our Journal.
I would like to take also the opportunity to express my utmost praise and apprectiation for your work, which I consider of potentially historical importance. Numbers are at the foundation of all of science, and new numbers theories are developed once every half a millennium. This is sufficient to illustrate the importance of your work.
I believe that the publication of your work in AGG, in the Proceedings and then in the invited monograph will help propagate your work throughout the world wide scientific community.
I shall remain at your disposal to help you to my best for the monograph.
My wife Carla joins me in remembering you most warmly and wishing you the best.
Ruggero Maria Santilli
Chun-Xuan, Jiang, Foundations of Santiili‘s isonumber theory with applications to new cryptograms, Fermat’s theorem and Goldbach‘s conjecture, Inter. Acad. Press, 2002, MR 2004c: 11001, http:/www.i-b-r.org/docs/jiang/pdf
Dear Prof. Jiang Chun-xuan,
I am pleased to inform you that, after working for weeks at 10-12 hoursa day, we have completed the editorial control of your monograph.
The final version has been sent to Prof. Aringazin, Director of our Editorial Office for the former USSR, who will compose the monograph in pdf format and upload it in the following papge of the IBR web site
which you can also access by first visiting our main page
and then clicking on “Scientific Works at the top. In this way, anybody in China or in the rest of the world can print your monograph and study it. (说明:在这种情况下,在中国或全世界任何地方都可打印或印刷你的”专著“,并且学习你的”专著“,没有版权问题。中国任何出版社都可以重印这本划时代的”专著“)。In addition, the monograph is in regular printing into a book which will be air mailed to you as soon as available.
In the meantime, please print the monograph and make sure that all corrections meet with your approval. In the event you wish any change, please send an e-message to Prof. Aringazin with copy to me so that we do not waste time in communications.
Please verify in particular the Definition of isonumbers of the first kind in Chapter I and that of the second kind in Chapter II. In the version we have received these two definitions are different. I have left the original definition for isonmubers of the first kind and changed that of the second kind along our lines, namely, and the isounit is an element of the original field. Please verify all this.
I have also added a Foreword which I enclose herewith in copy.
As stated in this Foreword, I believe that your monograph will change the history of number theory.
With my utmost appreciation and gratitude, I remain
Yours, Truly
Ruggero Maria Santilli
Dear Prof. Jiang,
Thanks for the message. As soon as the text is complete in pdf file it will be printed and we shall send you a few copies. In the meantime, your book is available in the web for All Chinese and other scientists to print and study.(说明:没有版权问题,所有中国人和科学家都可打印或印刷并且研究蒋春暄“专著”,请中国所有出版社重印这本划时代的“专著”)。
Please organize a communication to colleagues in China on the availability of your book in the web by giving them also the URL for its access.
Dr. Ruggero Maria Santilli
In my works (see the bibliography at the end of the Preface) I often expressed the view that the protracted lack of resolution of fundamental problems in science signals the needs of basically new mathematics. This is the case, for example, for: quantitative representations of biological structures; resolution of the vexing problem of grand-unification; invariant treatment of irreversibility at the classical and operator levels; identification of hadronic constituents definable in our spacetime; achievemwnt of a classical representation of antimatter; and other basic open problems.
I have then shown that each of the above open problems admits basically novel resolutions if a new mathematics specifically conceived for the task at hand is built. I have moreover shown that no new mathematics is actually possible without new numbers. For this reason, as a physicist, I have dedicated my primary attention throughout all of my research life to the search of new numbers, because from new numbers new madthematical and physical theories can be constructed via mere compatibility arguments.
In view of the above, I would like to express my utmost appreciation to Professor Chun-xuan Jiang for having understood the significance of the new iso-, geno, hyper-numbers and their isoduals I identified for a resolution of the above problems. The significance of the new numbers had escaped other scholars in number theory in the past two decades since their orginal formulation.
I would like also to congratulate Prof. Jiang for the simly monumental work he has done in this monograph, work that, to my best knowledge, has prior occurrence in the history of number theory in regard to joint novelty, dimension, diversification, articulation and implications.
I have no doubt the Professor Jiang‘s monograph creates a new era in number theory which encompasses and includes as particular case all preceding work in the field.
Ruggero Maria Santilli
Dear Professor Jiang Chun-xuan,
You will be pleased to know that I am leaving right now for Hong Kong to deliver and important talk in a plenary session at the World Congress in Mathematics which will be held at the University of Hong Kong from August 14 to 18.
I will arrive in Hong Kong on Tuesday at about 5 pm and will stay at the Regal Riverside Hotel, Shatin, Hong Kong, tel. 852-2534 0659, fax+852-2628 2581. I will remain in Hong Kong until August 17 or 18. The conference will be held at the RUN RUN SHAW AUDITORIUM at the Univ. of Hong Kong. I will be there only in the morning sessions.
I shall bring with me printed and bounded copies of your excellent monographs which I have just received from the Publisher. During my talk, I am planing to show your monograph to the audience and present your work as the most important and biggest development in number theory in the last century.
I hope that you, or some of your associates can come to this important meeting. If that is possible, please call the organizer of the this World Congress Professor K. P. SHUM at his mobile phone +852-9029 9924, by mentioning my name and identifying yourself as the author of the monograph on Isonumber Theory. You can also contact the Dean of Sciences of the Univ. of Hong Kong, Tel. 852-2609 6110.
Hoping to see you soon, I remain
Yours, Truly
Ruggero Maria Santilli
Dear Prof. Jiang Chun-xuan,
Thanks for the message. Yes, I did present your monograph at the World Congress of Mathematicians in Hong Kong as “a true revolution which renders obsolete the conventional number theory”。 A copy of the monograph with hard cover has been air mailed to the address in the monograph. Your article has appeared in AGG and a copy will be air mailed to you separately by the Publisher. In case of delay, please let me know.
Ruggero Maria Santilli