法国数论家Laurent Schadeck为《纽约时报》写文章介绍蒋春暄成果
An article for The Times
Laurent Schadeck
Laurent [email protected]
No one ignores that the study of prime numbers involved the greatest mathematicians throughout the times since Euclid and Euler. All the mathematical entities are said to come from the natural integers, which are without doubt the most fundamental of them. (Obviously no one ignores the words of Gauss and Euler about them).
It is a well-known evidence that all the natural integers can be formed from prime numbers. , which are the so-called atoms of arithmetic and which are said to appear rather randomly into the set of natural integers. The study of their amazing distribution has been the greatest area of number theory since Gauss’s discovery of the prime number theorem. It has thus been several times said that a complete and consistent solution to this problem would be the greatest achievement in the whole mathematics. What is the mathematical key of the so enigmatical distribution of prime numbers?
The Riemann Hypothesis underlying this theory is thus now known as the greatest unsolved problem in the entire mathematics_ and, for introduce the subject that we discusses briefly in the present article, it seemed to has been disproved by the Chinese mathematician Chun-Xuan Jiang, who studied it intensively since 1997 and gave comprehensive disproofs in several books and articles[1,2].
His main argument involves the result of Hadamard and de la Vallée Poussin about Riemann zeta function, saying that any complex value with real part equal to one has no zeroes. Jiang introduces a beta function which appears to be the dual of Rieamnn zeta. Its most remarkable property is that it could be used for proving that the result of Hadamard and de la Vallée Poussin makes the Riemann Hypothesis pretty impossible.
Such a disproof with such amazing tools, may made everyone familiar with conventional mathematics very surprised and also hungry (because the Riemann Hypothesis appeared along the decades as the only answer to several deep questions) but one cannot in fact be hungry since all the works of Jiang in the fields are largely based on the remarkable discoveries of Ruggero Maria Santilli and then, most particularly, Isomathematics, that are a generalization of mathematics based on the idea on nonunitarity (that is, which is constituted by units whose norm aren’t 1).
The work of Professor Jiang has remained largely unknown and disregarded by the community of mathematicians. Great mathematicians of our times at the apex of academicals hierarchy never read Jiang’s papers, and then never brought times to disprove or verify their assertions. While all conventional centres of research ignored him, the literature about Isomathematics has accomplished deeply progresses that one now cannot find in mathematics (the reader may read a part of the 1000 publications and PhD thesis done in the field throughout the past two decades and the results obtained in isotopology by Sourlas and Tsagas, etc.
It then should be an interesting perspective for the mathematics of our times if the coming new generation of mathematicians consider Jiang’s works and disprove or verify some of the so numerous results in which they consist.
In 1994 Professor Jiang discovered the arithmetic function that can replace Riemann’s zeta(s) function and L-function in view of its proved features : if , then the function has infinitely many prime solutions ; and if , then the function has finitely many prime solutions. By using the Jiang’s function one proved about 600 prime theorems[2]. Professor Jiang gave also proofs of the Goldbach Conjecture and the Twin Prime Conjecture. Moreover Professor Jiang resolved the 8th Hilbert problem: problems of prime numbers.
The author of the present article has firstly quoted Jiang’s work in his still unpublished memoir Remarques sur quelques tentatives de demonstration Originales de l’Hypothèse de Riemann et sur la possibilité De les prolonger vers une théorie des nombres premiers consistante[3], for instance available only in french.
References :
[1] Chun-Xuan Jiang, Disproofs of Riemann Hypothesis, Algebras, Groups and Geometries, 22, 123-136(2005), http://www.i-b-r.org/docs/JiangRiemann.pdf
[2] Chun-Xuan Jiang, Foundations of Santilli’s isonumber theory with applications to new cryptograms, Fermat’s theorem and Goldbach’s Conjecture, International academic press, 2002.
MR2004c:11001, http://www.i-b-r.org/docs/Jiang.pdf
[3] Laurent Schadeck, Remarques sur quelques tentatives de démonstration Originales de l’Hypothèse de Riemann et sur la possibilité De les prolonger vers une théorie des nombres premiers consistante, unpublished, 2007.