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共8条采购信息Total 8 buying leads 发布采购信息 Post a Buying Lead
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须用英文填写- You must fill out each item in English.
*表示必填项- * means required items.
如寻找卖家,可发布采购信息<Post a buying lead to find suppliers.>
*If you are a supplier who want to find buyers,
you have to post a Selling Lead. Please go to My Selling Leads.
主题Subject 照片Image 最大300K,JPG/GIF格式
分类Category 选择类别Select Category 游览Preview 上传Upload
组别Group:选择组别 Select Group
型号 Model:
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付款条款Payment Terms:
最小订货量Minimum Order:
价格条款Price Terms:
交货期Delivery Time:
原产地Place of Origin: 选择国家Select Country
说明Description:0/2000, please no HTML. Min 100 characters
关键词Key Words:最多30个字符Max 30 characters. 三个框。
有效期 Expiry Date 7天/1个月/3个月/1年 7days /1 month / 3 months / 1 year